This paper outlines a new interpretation of quantum theory (QT) to address how mathematical possibilities reduce to probabilities and then to a single definite classical result. In non-technical language, standard (Copenhagen), many-worlds, objective reduction, quantum probability, quantum information field, transactional, and neorealist interpretations are examined to exemplify progress to the holistic interpretation. It is a major step toward the comprehensive 3-in-1 ontology of levels of matter, mind and consciousness in Veda.
Analysis of Selected Quantum Theory Interpretations
Classical physics modeled particles as tiny inert building blocks of indivisible physical substances in conventional space, associated with ‘billiard ball’ linear causation. Further progress led to wave mechanics to describe more dynamic processes of change. Einstein linked space and time in relativistic spacetime, and established the equivalence of energy and mass (E=mc2). He also theorized physical objects curve spacetime – gravity – and that there is no deeper substrate than the relativistic gravitational spacetime field. But Einstein seems not to have resolved whether this spacetime field or the objects in it are more fundamental. This suggests he may not have appreciated the deeper significance of his profoundly integrating theories that the relativistic gravitational spacetime field is the medium or ‘aether’ of only the physical level of nature.
Increasing abstraction in particle interaction causal mechanics led to the theory of ‘virtual particles,’ and also to combining particle and wave mechanics into more abstract packets of energy – quanta. Toward this deeper integration, Einstein and colleagues identified these discrete packets of quantized energy as having both particle and wave properties at the same time (wavicles) – held to be a defining but very challenging principle of quantum theory (QT). Also, the tiniest measurable ‘bit’ or ‘slice’ of quantized energy was held to be at the Planck scale.