This paper summarizes progress in theoretical physics toward a more unified view of nature, and shows that this progress inexorably is linking to the ancient holistic account of Veda. The Vedic account addresses key dilemmas still widely considered needing to be resolved. The 10 Mandalas of Rk Veda – non-duality, trinity, quinternity, unity (10th to 1st) – integrate force fields in quantum and cosmological theories with the holistic 3-in-1 Vedic model of gross local relativistic spacetime, subtle nonlocal spacetime, and infinite unified field.
Modern science rigorously pursues total knowledge of the laws of nature. Its primary methods are reasoning and ordinary sensory experience from the objective third-person perspective. Total knowledge is also pursued in the ancient Vedic knowledge tradition, emphasizing the subjective first-person empirical perspective. This paper proposes that the third-person perspective has advanced modern scientific understanding to the stage where first-person direct means to gain knowledge is being recognized as useful to address long-standing dilemmas about matter and mind.
The focus in objective science has been on reductive analysis of sensory objects, probing smaller and smaller time and distance scales and higher energy and temperature states to uncover the most fundamental constituents of nature. The range of scales can be summarized as follows:
Ultra-macroscopic levels: ~cosmic expanse to Infinity?
Macroscopic levels: ~10–3 cm to ~cosmic expanse
Microscopic levels: ~10–4 to ~10–8 cm
Ultra-microscopic levels: ~10–9 to ~10–33 cm (Planck length)
Unified field level ~Infinitesimal point to Infinity?